True Freeze tries to be Risk-Minimized DeFi

True Freeze is designed to explicitly minimize the risks discussed.

  1. Smart Contract Risks All smart contracts have this risk. True Freeze, while audited, still has this risk. It is important to understand this and not deposit your life savings or critical amounts of ETH into this protocol. Similarly, this protocol uses Wrapped ETH for the ERC-20 benefits that regular ETH doesn't have. So there is that additional Wrapped ETH contract risk on top of the normal risk of True Freeze having a problem that was not caught by auditors.

  2. Migration Risks True Freeze is designed as a public good patience primitive. It is immutable. It cannot be changed after launch at all. It is designed to work as coded for 100s of years with no administrative or governance controls. Please see Token Addresses for more details on how Deep Freeze LLC is launching True Freeze with no plans to upgrade it.

  3. Oracle Risks True Freeze does not use any oracles at all.

  4. Collateral Risks True Freeze does not forward your ETH to any other protocol, nor use it as collateral.

  5. Liquidation Risks True Freeze does not take loans on your ETH, and thus does not have any liquidation.

  6. Impermanent Loss Risks True Freeze does not forward your ETH into any liquidity pools to generate swap fee revenue. Note: providing liquidity separately from True Freeze, e.g., between frETH & ETH or FRZ & ETH on other protocols like Curve or Uniswap would have Impermanent Loss risk.

Last updated