Liquidity Bootstrapping

Deep Freeze LLC has partnered with Curve.Finance for non-custodial liquidity incentives!

20M FRZ were allocated for frETH/WETH liquidity on Curve. Deep Freeze LLC has no control or emergency powers over this liquidity pool. We seeded a tiny amount of liquidity ( < 2 ETH) and set an initial price of frETH at 0.05 ETH just to kick things off but otherwise it is completely autonomous. Because Curve non-CRV rewards are distributed 1-week at a time, Deep Freeze LLC developed a Gelato/Chainlink Keepers compliant distributor contract to permissionlessly distribute FRZ rewards to the gauge over 2 years. This contract holds the liquidity incentives 0x7acd69445C8fb5e50E47FC06A897A643567A5512 and anyone can call the sendRewardToGauge() function once per week to top-off the Curve gauge's 200,000 FRZ weekly rewards. Currently an automated Gelato keeper triggers this function each week. Note: FRZ earned in early alpha & setup phase prior to launch was burned. FRZ earned by deployer address after launch will be sent back to the liquidity incentives distributor contract (0x7acd) as it is earned. Deep Freeze LLC has worked closely with Curve to document this permissionless* liquidity pool process and will open source the development of the Chainlink Keepers solution to assist future DeFi projects in autonomous liquidity incentives programs. ------------

The airdrop period has ended. The airdrop contract 0xb27198a99E3ae693f4dD14CFee89E98eaF413263 had all it's remaining FRZ removed. TX-HASH: 0xd1914cd0ce3f1aed24745891c88e8601f74794415927bc062b1a85b1db788dad The Deep Freeze LLC wallet then transferred all FRZ it had the incentives contract. TX-HASH: 0x18a82c8a72878ed1a476d5c197e5083978b13164092b16418e9ffc94ee256c9a Now the Gelato keeper OR anyone can once/week call the sendRewardToGauge() function and send 200,000 FRZ to the Curve liquidity incentives. These incentives will run autonomously rewarding FRZ to those providing frETH/ETH liquidity in Curve.

Last updated