The Flywheel

True Freeze has a self-stabilizing tokenomics design to absorb the volatility of ETH and provide profitable options at a variety of relative prices.

The True Freeze Ecosystem has multiple counteracting effects for changes in the market price of ETH and frETH. There are 7 core principles to the flywheel starting with frETH price falling:

1. Lower frETH prices (in ETH terms) means lower early withdrawal costs to access locked ETH.

2. When early withdrawals cost less, more of them happen, leading to revenue to FRZ stakers. 3. More revenue to FRZ stakers improves its price against frETH, so frETH is burned to earn FRZ.

4. 1 frETH burned = 1 ETH confirmed locked for 1 year, reducing the circulation of ETH.

5. As ETH's price is volatile, more early withdrawals happen when it is relatively high (to sell ETH high and rebuy it low).

6. To withdraw ETH early requires frETH, so the price of frETH rises.

7. When frETH rises, the benefits of locking ETH rises, so more people lock ETH and sell frETH; restarting the flywheel when frETH prices fall.

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