Freezer NFT

Denominating ETH in NFT form allows every NFT marketplace to act as both Decentralized OTC and an options platform without directly impacting the price of ETH.

Here, a Freezer NFT was minted with 0.14 WETH. It was locked on June 10th, 2022 for 365 Days. This earned 0.14 freezer ETH (frETH) the yield token of True Freeze: 1 frETH = 1 ETH locked for 1 Year 3 things can be done with this NFT: 1. It can be held until the maturity date (June 10th, 2023) and then redeemed for 0.14 WETH. This earns all the frETH minted and paid upfront, with 0 frETH fee and 0 WETH penalty. 2. The NFT can be sold on any NFT marketplace in which case, zero-coupon bond pricing applies. 3. The NFT can be redeemed early (before the maturity date) with a variable frETH fee and a 0.25% WETH penalty. The frETH fee falls every day until it reaches 0 on the maturity date. Early Withdrawal Cost Calculation

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